That is the ultimate question everyone asks. Do we really ever know?
For me things are complicated. Well, I have Aspergers. I am very high functioning. Why? Time…. Addiction… Life happened. I was shown things, enjoyed them, and adapted so that I could continue, so I could enjoy, interact, communicate. I have setbacks, but above all, I am required to over think. I am always at a higher stress level. I am bad at social norms. I am horrible at communicating. I could go through the whole check list, but I have violated the list frequently. That said, I must reset frequently. I wander a lot, and above all, I am just plain weird. But then being weird can be fun. Thus I push the being weird, and it makes life more interesting. But there are times like everyone that I need my quiet, my alone. Only I need it more. Hence the wandering I mentioned above…. to many, it may appear to be ADHD.
See my next blog on me describing Asperger (AS)
Some things to keep in mind. I think of the 10 principles of burners are ideal. Now you can’t live them 100% 100% of the time. You must decompress. You must pay for your life. But then sometimes that is what makes it fun. If you can shock people in the real world, now that is fun. Plus, if you lived it 100% of the time, you would not have any base to come from. It then becomes its own boring. Change is interesting. Change is life.
Also, I am fairly laissez faire. I put up with quite a bit. I actually attribute this to my asperger too. I find fighting it just raises my stress a little too much. Thus I am easy going. Just remember you should not push it too far too fast. This is true of anyone. So guys perhaps you just think a little more too. Think “Do unto others as you would haveĀ them do unto you” Only when considering the ‘Golden Rule’, consider that they may not have the same wishes; so you might want to put yourself in there shoes first. With asperger, I must do this and think of a dozen wishes then a dozen wants for every wish…. kinda stressfull huh. And that is on top of the already heightened stress of asperger. See why its good to just take things as they come and be ‘laissez faire’.
I think This is a good start for now. Its time to relax a little (well I actually helped someone else relax). I’ll repost an old blog on what is asperger to me in a bit. And eventually a little more on me.
NOTE: Addiction above…. Things I have learned to like enough to overcome certain limitations of asperger–however hard that is (OMG). Include: Human contact, people (groups, events, etc), love, being needed, wanting others, interaction (even it you count it as keeping me busy) .
More on needs later.